IPUMS Data Pre-Workshop


In parallel with SEW2025, GATE-LSE will host a pre-workshop aimed at introducing IPUMS data to a European audience that may not yet be familiar with them. This event will feature David Van Riper from IPUMS.

IPUMS (ipums.org) offers free, harmonized census and survey data from the United States and around the world. These data facilitate comparative research and analysis of individuals and households across community contexts. This pre-workshop will review IPUMS data suitable for use in economics and spatial econometrics. The goals are to describe the relevant data available through IPUMS, with specific attention paid to the geographic detail available in IPUMS products; provide hands-on experience with IPUMS data and access systems; and facilitate discussion of research ideas using IPUMS data.

The first half of the pre-workshop will provide an overview of the IPUMS data collections and a demonstration of the IPUMS data access systems. The second half of the workshop will be tailored to participant needs. Guided exercises will provide hands-on experience with the IPUMS websites, including finding relevant variables for research topics, using documentation, and building a customized data file. This half of the workshop will also include time to discuss research ideas with the workshop leader and fellow participants.


              IPUMS Research Awards | Population Europe






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